Choosing Love

I look at this blank page and I don’t know where to begin. How could I possibly assign a title to this post when I’m not even sure I know what to say or how to say it. At the moment, all I feel is disgust. And disappointment. And disbelief. My heart is racing and inside I’m screaming in anger and frustration. And disgust. And disappointment. And disbelief. My initial reaction was to post the article on Facebook, along with a strongly worded message about how ignorant, red neck and downright stupid someone must be to still believe THAT in this day and age. But where would that get me? I’d get a few “likes” on Facebook, maybe a comment here and there, but then my message would move further down the newsfeed before finally being bumped for photos of babies and vacations to Disney.

I also contemplated going directly to some of the people featured in the article and blasting them on their Twitter account. Harsh words that I’d later regret. Or feel embarrassed by if my mother ever saw them. I scroll through their Twitter feed and look at their messages of hate. Post after post is dedicated to hating others who aren’t like them. My face reddens and my heart starts racing again. I feel nauseous. Who are these people and where do they live because I want to burn their town down. I want others to call them out for their disgusting and downright disturbing view of the world. I want to blame people, a presidential candidate, for example. I want to give into the urge to physically and verbally rip this person to shreds. And then I look down at my beautiful baby.

The beautiful baby of mine with his sweet dimples, innocent brown eyes and wide smile. Everyone says how gorgeous he is and they’re right. But it’s not just his physical appearance which makes him so breathtakingly beautiful. It’s what he stands for. Love between two people. Love. What chance does my beautiful baby have if the rest of the world focuses on hate. What chance does he have if I focus on hate. Love. Love is the only chance we have. And it has to start with me. I don’t have to love what those people stand for or what they believe. I don’t have to love their words or the ways in which they express themselves. I just need to focus on the love in my life. Can you imagine what would happen if people started focusing so intently on the love in their life that they wouldn’t have time for, wouldn’t have need for, wouldn’t have room for, anything else?

It isn’t easy. It REALLY isn’t easy. Nonetheless, I’m choosing love.

Love looks like this.
And love looks like this. Photo cred: Brooke Kelly Photography

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